Monday, August 25

Back At School

I’m sorry to have been negligent of my blog for so long. I’ve started back at school like I’m many of you have or have children who have. So far so good. I get to spend a bunch of time wit DC and have a great roommate/suitemates. My classes are mostly core requirements but I’m trying to be enthusiastic about them. Still getting used to the cafeteria food, I’ve come to be very grateful to DC’s cooking or requests to go to a restaurant.
So that was the overview of my letters home…

Eastern Tennessee has to be one of the most beautiful places in America. I’m not one for landscapes usually or farmland, etc, etc. However, I could look at the mountains here forever. From DC’s kitchen window while I sit on the sofa and read I can see perfectly spotted cows grazing on a gold and green hill and the background is a hazy blue-gray of mountains and sky. I just sat and stared for a while until DC’s mom interrupted my musings to ask what I found so interesting in the kitchen. My little college campus is settled in a nest of low mountains with each cluster of buildings on a hill looking like little churches or beacons. In all it’s very picturesque. I revel in the simple beauty and know why I was consumed with homesickness for my three months at my parents’ house.